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Classic Dungeons - Map Image Pack

Classic Dungeons - Map Image Pack

Regular price $10.00 USD
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This map pack features a collection different dungeon, lair, and adventure locations! many of these maps have fully written adventures available within our 5e MADventures Foundry module!

  • 57 Classic Dungeon battle maps and blank variants
  • 140ppi VTT quality maps
  • Roll20 compatible (non-dynamic content)

Maps Included in this pack:

  • Pharaoh's Burial. A small tomb found beneath the desert sands, with steps leading back up to the surface. Several smaller resting chambers are dotted around the tomb, some with ther inhabitants still peacefully resting, others with sarcophagi disturbed and defiled. The grandest chamber has been left alone, perhaps with good reason - An enormous golden death shroud laid over the once-ruler of this place.
  • Necromancer's Catacombs. The eerie lair of a practicioner of undead magic. Sickly green braziers cast shadows on dark stone pillars that prop up the sagging ceilings of several chambers, whilst the Necromancer's study lies off down a flight of stairs. Elsewhere in their domain is an eldritch summoning chamber, and a room full of the discarded remains of past victims and unsuccessful experiments.
  • Surestone Abbey. A small undercroft, perhaps beneath a larger abbey. This place may not have been entered in some time - smashed furniture, partially caved-in ceilings, and macabre bloody altars from a less civilised age can be found in these halls.
  • Prison Riot. A city prison is in the midst of a full-blown revolt - a barricade of smashed furniture has been erected near the entrance to keep the guards at bay, and they now find themselves in a tense stand-off. Deeper in the prison, the inmates now have access to the torture chambers and blood-soaked oubliette that they once feared. 
  • Cult of the Purple Knife. A cabal of dangerous cultists have made their home in this underground complex, perhaps tucked away behind a secret door. Several bedrooms and meeting areas for the lower cultists are near the entrance, as well as a prison cell. In the centre of their lair is the small chapel where they hear the dark sermons of their leader - from a doorway at the back of this chapel is the private quarters or the Cult Leader, including a ritual chamber with a fresh kill, and an unholy symbol glowing on the floor.
  • Sewers. These dank sewers stretch out below the settlement above, with several grates filtering in sunlight from above. Canals of waste flow from wall to wall, criss-crossing through the sewers as they're joined by more grates. Characters can take the longer, safe path - or hold their breath and brave the canals to take shortcuts. 
  • Iron Throne. A partially-flooded basement dungeon, which now serves as an Underhall. A small sparse bedroom and study lies to the south, whilst a nicer bedroom and small audience hall lie to the north. Between the two are a knot of corridors, secret passages, and a bloody chamber filled with the remains of prisoners or victims.
  • Elemental Dragon Temple. An enormous temple, dominated by two massive chambers - One filled with lava, the other with ice. Each chamber has a massive dragon statue in its center. Either dragon has a chamber filled with plunder, and the rest of the temple is filled with empty rooms waiting to be customised with your own MAD assets. Snaking throughout the temple are two large elemental dragon spirits, wrapped in spiritual combat in the temple's heart. A variant is included without the dragon statues or spirits.
  • Dorgath's Crypt. A small undercroft beneath a church, forgotten about after renovations and recently re-discovered after screams were heard from below. Ancient remains can be found resting uncovered on stone slabs, perhaps awaiting a service that never came, or the result of an old forgotten custom. A chamber full of coffins has been utterly destroyed, bone and wood now strewn across the floor. A single stone sarcophagus stands alone in the center of a large chamber, torches still burning around it even to this day.
  • Temple of the Sun. A desert-themed temple, reminiscent of Ancient Egypt. Sand has blown in through crevices over the ages, partially submerging some chambers. A massive gilded sarcophagi of a great ruler and their treasure hoard lies locked behind magical doors, and the only way to open it is to find and arrange a series of mirrors (assets included) to reflect the sun's rays to the door.
  • Prismatic Dungeon. A small series of interconnected chambers, all brimming with magical energy from the complex arcane runes and sigils active on the floor. A secret chamber perhaps contains the key to a ritual, or a magical item sealed away behind these heavy arcane defenses.
  • Water Temple. A flooded temple underground - Either partially, or entirely. This map becomes more water-filled as you progress deeper, leading to a watery confrontation deeper in the cistern.
  • The Great Library. In the deepest floor of The Great Library lies the section where forbidden knowledge is stored. This dungeon contains a number of rooms filled floor to ceiling with bookshelves, with ladders allowing access to the higher tomes. A study area with desks, chairs, and research notes is included. Behind a secret door (or perhaps teleported into independently) is the most sacred chamber of forbidden magical research, the floor constantly shifting with a bright blue protective rune.


    As a Patreon subscriber you’ll get access to every map we've ever made, new maps every month, assets, modular tiles, and more. Our All The Things™ tier has full advanced map modules for Foundry VTT.

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    • Our entire map and asset back catalogue
    • Advanced Foundry VTT maps!
    • Print quality 300ppi versions of all our maps
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    .. and more!

    How much does it cost?

    We have different subscription tiers to suit your needs:

    • Starter Bundle | $5 per month

    A perfect taster of what we offer, in this tier you'll get 8 unique themed maps every month, new assets with Dungeon Draft integration, and a 6 month map back catalogue.

    • Vampire Hunter | $10 per month

    Running Curse of Strahd? Each month we release three new maps, or map remakes, as well as written supplement content to improve your campaign!

    • All The Things™ | $16.67 per month

    Everything we've ever made, all our assets, and our entire map back catalog. This tier also gives access to all our maps as advanced Foundry VTT modules!

    All tiers are charged at sign up, and automatically billed on the 1st of the month in a repeat billing cycle.

    Do you make Foundry VTT content?

    Every map we make has been designed with Foundry VTT in mind and using its core features and third party modules to their full extent to create awesome advanced battled. Our maps include full walling, lighting, sound FX and ambience, as well as canopies. We have used Levels, Token Attacher, Tile Scroll, and Monks Active Tiles to create dynamic maps that move and change with the DMs triggers. By signing up to our Patreon and connecting your Foundry VTT account, you can download all of our release map modules in an instant!